What's the most surprising thing that's ever happened to you because of a question? Quiz 31

Exam Teacher

What's the most surprising thing that's ever happened to you because of a question? Quiz 31

What's the most surprising thing that's ever happened to you because of a question? Quiz 31

1 The lack of calcium in the diet causes what condition?
2 Where would you find Lunate Triquetral and Hamate?
3 What are Jean Bernard, Pierre St-Martin and Berger in France?
4 Dallol Ethiopia has what claim to fame?
5 Where are Bay of Heats and Bay of Dew Sinus Aestuum - Roris?
6 The star constellation Lepus has what English name?
7 Lauris Nobilis is the Latin name of what common herb?
8 If you suffered from varicella what have you got?
9 Chi is the Chinese year of what?
10 A Comte France Landgraf Germany Conde Italy what England?
11 In heraldry what is a vertical line dividing a shield called?
12 The Templeton prize is awarded annually for progress in what?
13 International car registration letters what country is ZA?
14 In England what is the most popular girls name of the 90 s?
15 Rosencrantz and Guilderstern are dead - name playwright?
16 Lucy Johnson became famous under what name?
17 What is a Tam Tam?
18 FITA are the governing body of what sport?
19 Denzil Washington's first film as director was what?
20 What is Canada's oldest city founded in 1608?
21 In the Jewish religion what's banned during The three weeks?
22 Who wrote the hymn Hear my Prayer?
23 38  million Americans one in five don't like what?
24 Alan Ginsberg is credited with inventing what 60 s phrase?
25 Where would you find a pintle?
26 Who created Woody Woodpecker?
27 Winston Churchill had a dog - what type?
28 Who was born in Chicago 5 th December 1901  died 1966?
29 What is the name of Paul McCartney's official fan club?
30 By US government figures people have tried 28000  ways of what?
31 If you suffer from Tinea Pedis what have you got?
32 What colour is Llamas milk?
33 In Alberta its illegal to play craps if you are using what?
34 Narcotics comes from the Greek - what it literally mean?
35 What did Pope John XX1  use as effective eyewash?
36 Rhodopsis original Egyptian Cinderella had what job?
37 Whose attendance compulsory at priests banquets in Egypt?
38 Siddhartha Gautama became better known as who?
39 In ancient Greece young brides had to sacrifice what?
40 Caer-Lud was the former name of what capitol city?
41 4 % of women never do what according to survey?
42 In superstition if you marry on Saturday you will have what?
43 What was the first million dollar seller paperback?
44 Who founded Methodism in 1738?
45 What was the ancient Egyptian cure for haemorrhoids?
46 Middle ages Monks denied meat on fast days ate what?
47 Where was Ice Cream invented?
48 Brittany Spears - what is her favourite drink?
49 What job does Charlie Browns father do?
50 International direct dialling codes what country has 353?
51 What is the main food of walruses?
52 30 % of people quit this job in USA each year - what job?
53 Napoleons life was saved by a dog what breed and he hated dogs?
54 In 1821  Jacob Fusel worlds fist commercial factory making what?
55 The star constellation Grus has what English name?
56 International aircraft reg letters what country is PP or PT?
57 What was the first 30  minute animated Disney show?
58 A renaissance doctor - what treatment excluding bleeding?
59 You could be executed for drinking what in ancient Turkey?
60 Where did the ancient Egyptians paint pictures of their enemies?
61 What is found in one third of American homes?
62 Bowling for lizards was whose favourite TV program?
63 The name Jesse means what in Hebrew?
64 According to strain theory crime is mainly committed by who?
65 In what country was the longbow invented?
66 Who makes Pringles?
67 What airline started 24 th September 1946  single DC3?
68 What are a swallowtail and a burgee?
69 What is the most common sexually transmitted disease in USA?
70 Who was the Angel in Milton's Paradise Lost?
71 300000  American teenagers get what every year?
72 Francesco Seraglio invented what in Australia in early 1960 s?
73 What was Socrates wife's name?
74 Who "Loved not to wisely but too well" Shakespeare play?
75 What did Anna Sage "The lady in Red do"?
76 Who makes Kleenex tissues?
77 Poon Lim holds the record of 133  days doing what?
78 Holden Caulfield - Catcher in the Rye - where JD Sal get name?
79 Marcus Garvey founded what?
80 Ancient Roman brides wore a wedding dress - what colour?
81 64 % of American teenagers have what in their bedrooms?
82 Charles Stratton became famous as what circus act?
83 What is the most common sexual complaint of females over 50?
84 Who makes Miller Lite beer?
85 The name Calvin has what unfortunate Latin meaning?
86 What author was the first published by Bantam paperbacks?
87 In ancient India what was cut off adulterers?
88 In British Columbia is illegal to kill what?
89 The Spear Leek was the original name of what food item?
90 What was the name of the first Wings album?
91 Who started Laugh O Gram productions?
92 Sigmund Freud used a dog to help his psychoanalysis what breed?
93 In a 1988  survey 12  million Americans don't know what?
94 Lobster Newberg was invented at what famous restaurant?
95 In 18 th century England what would you do with whim wham?
96 The FIC govern what sport?
97 In England what is the most popular boys name of the 90 s?
98 International car registration letters what country is IS?
99 In heraldry what is a horizontal line dividing a shield called?
100 The star constellation Ara has what English name?
1 Which Roman Emperors name means little boats?
2 In England what can you not hang out of your window?
3 The constellation Norma has what English name?
4 Chu is the Chinese year of what animal?
5 Vor was the Norse Goddess of what?
6 OB is the international aircraft reg letters what country?
7 Who composed the classical piece Peter and the Wolf?
8 In what sport do women compete for the Uber cup?
9 What was the last sequel to win best picture award?
10 How did Stonewall Jackson die?
11 What are The Chiuhauhan Nubian and Alaskan?
12 International dialling codes what country is 86?
13 Thieves Liars Magicians and who were in Dantes 8 th circle Hell?
14 Alphabetically what is the first element in the periodic table?
15 What order of insects contains the most species?
16 What famous battle was fought at Pancenoit?
17 What colour is natural cheddar cheese?
18 Where was the first Pony Express set up?
19 What animal originated Groundhog Day?
20 Abraham Zapruder made the most scrutinised film all time what?
21 Aesculus is the Latin name of what type of tree?
22 Where were bagpipes invented?
23 What is Rice Paper made from?
24 Jorn Utzon of Denmark designed what landmark?
25 What is the most popular pizza topping in South Korea?
26 Which people used to settle legal disputes by head butting?
27 Hitihita is a character in what book and film?
28 How does a male koala attract a mate?
29 Bohemian Rhapsody was on what Queen album?
30 What is a Boodie?
31 What character on TV and film must have sex every 7  years?
32 What was the name of Hamlets father?
33 Bugs Bunny was a caricature of what actor?
34 Sherlock Holmes lived in Baker St - What other Detective did?
35 Spumador was whose horse?
36 In what American state do most fail to graduate?
37 Names from Jobs - what in the middle ages did a walker do?
38 Alfred Butta invented what in 1941  - marketed 1948?
39 Phobos and Deimos are moons of Mars - what do names mean?
40 What colour is a giraffes tongue?
41 Erica is the Latin name for what shrub?
42 What is the capitol of Fiji?
43 Disney's Sleeping Beauty what is the name of the Queen witch?
44 What is the name of Shakespeare's first play?
45 Regnat Populus - The people rule - motto of what US state?
46 A Cow Moos - A Cock Crows - What does an Ape do?
47 The IHF govern what sport?
48 Levi Stubbs Renaldo Benson Abdul Fakir Laurence Payton Who?
49 The constellation Lacerta has what English name?
50 Collective nouns - An Army of what?
51 What US state has no motto?
52 Babs Gorden is better know as what heroine?
53 Jim Thorpe won Olympic pentathlon 1912  who was fifth?
54 First Impressions was the original title of what classic novel?
55 What country spends the most per capita in casinos?
56 In India in 1994  who were finally allowed to vote?
57 In what language was the first complete bible in US printed?
58 John Wayne called what film "The most un-American thing ever"?
59 What country produces the most tobacco in the world?
60 Collective nouns - A Business of what?
61 If you were eating Olea Europea what would it be?
62 What is Jane Fonda's middle name?
63 Who is the Roman Goddess of flocks and herds?
64 Where were the first winter Olympics held in 1924?
65 Which album is on the Billboard top 200  the longest since 1973?
66 David John Moore Cornwell became famous as who?
67 In The Hobbit what colour is Bilbo's door?
68 In what game might you use a flat stick called a kip?
69 Where was Holmes pal Dr Watson wounded during the war?
70 Collective nouns - A Husk of what?
71 Black and Blue play Red and Yellow at what game?
72 What rank was George Armstrong Custer when he was killed?
73 Old superstitions - it is bad luck to do what in the morning?
74 Who said "Bigamy is one husband too many like Monogamy"?
75 What colour were ETs eyes?
76 What is the smallest species of penguin?
77 What do Fromologists collect?
78 In the original Wizard of Oz what colour were the slippers?
79 The Beverley Hillbillies came from what Ozarks town?
80 Collective nouns - A leap of what?
81 International dialling codes what county is 20?
82 What US states name means long river in Indian?
83 What country has the most elephants?
84 In WW2  the Graf Spee was forced into what harbour?
85 Who were the first Australian group to sell a million records?
86 What was James Deans middle name?
87 Collective nouns - A Float of what?
88 In Romeo and Juliet what day is Juliet's Birthday?
89 George C Scott - what does the C stand for?
90 In Italy a man can be arrested if found wearing what?
91 The Arcocarpus altilis was involved in a mutiny - what is it?
92 In what European country have most land battles been fought?
93 Gwizador in Poland is who in English?
94 In what sport is The Lugano Trophy awarded every 2  years?
95 Who composed the ballets - The Firebird and The Rite of Spring?
96 OD international aircraft registration letters of what country?
97 Bragi was the Norse God of what?
98 Myrastica fragrens is what common spice?
99 The constellation Mensa has what English name?
100 Collective nouns - A family of what?

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