What's the first question that comes to mind when you hear someone ask something? Quiz 30

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What's the first question that comes to mind when you hear someone ask something? Quiz 30

What's the first question that comes to mind when you hear someone ask something? Quiz 30

 1 Lycopersicum esculentum is what common food?
2 International Airline Registrations N is what country?
3 20 s Robert 50?
4 What is Top Kanal in Poland?
5 Rice-Kellogg invented what in 1924?
6 Breakfast at Tiffanies - famous film - who wrote the book?
7 Cecil B De Mille the film director had what middle name?
8 If music was played leggiero how should it be done?
9 Who sculpted Rima, Genisis and Ecco Homo?
10 The Fool in French and the Runner in German what in English?
11 In what game/sport is the McRobinson shield played for?
12 53 is the international dialling code for what country?
13 Nut - Neuth - Nuit alterative names Egyptian goddess of what?
14 In heraldry animals addorsed are in what position?
15 The locals call it Al-Magrib what do we call this country?
16 Traditionally what should be given on an 11 th anniversary?
17 Barbara, Carignan, Cinsaut, and Nebbilo are verities of what?
18 If you landed at Balice airport where would you be?
19 Galt MacDermot wrote what 1967 musical stage show?
20 What planet in our system is not named after a god?
21 By US Congress law 1832 citizens should do what annually?
22 What book was banned in Ireland in 1932?
23 In Breton Alabama there's a law against riding what down street?
24 Who would use a claque?
25 18 % of USA coins 7?
26 Oryza sativa is what staple food item?
27 Catherine the Great kept who in an iron cage in her bedroom?
28 The Selenas Valley was the rejected title what Steinbeck book?
29 Azote was the original name of what element?
30 What animals cannot swim?
31 Riverside Cal its illegal to kiss less both wipe lips with what?
32 What USA city is also a slang name for a pineapple?
33 What was banned in US movie theatres in the 1920 s?
34 If you were performing a fillip what are you doing?
35 What unusual flavour did the Jell-O company try in 1942?
36 The interior of what is called the paste?
37 What was Robin Williams paid for Disney's Aladdin in 1982?
38 More than 40 % of USA women were once what?
39 What uses 28 calories if done for one minute?
40 In 1820 what was taxed in Missouri?
41 What is the official drink of the state of Ohio?
42 The Russian composer Alexander Borodin had what other job?
43 18 % of animal owners do what with their pets?
44 The UIT govern what sport?
45 90 % of Americans consider themselves what?
46 In Minnesota it is illegal to tease what animal?
47 She is the Chinese name of what year (animal)?
48 Who wrote The Deceiver 1991 and The Fist of God 1993?
49 What does the name Stephen mean - from the Greek?
50 International Airline Registrations SX is what country?
51 Sport variable ground size 120 x150?
52 50 % of Dutch men have never done what?
53 If you Absterse something what do you do?
54 Musa acuminata is what favourite food item?
55 In a year the average person walks four miles doing what?
56 What was the first film to use stereophonic sound?
57 The letter B comes from Egyptian hieroglyphics meaning what?
58 in 1995 13?
59 There are more telephones than people in what city?
60 In the middle ages you could be fined four pence murdering who?
61 What food Scots once refuse to eat cos it was not in the Bible?
62 33 % of what are fake in the USA?
63 What holiday islands have no rivers or lakes - rain water only?
64 If you suffered from Chirospasm what have you got?
65 What links Bob Hope John Huston Ryon O'Neil Bo Diddley?
66 Little Jumping Flea literal trans of what Hawaiian instrument?
67 In Alaska it is illegal to look at a moose from where?
68 More that I/3 adults do what average 3?
69 A furfy is Australian slang for what?
70 Who said China is a big country inhabited by many Chinese?
71 In a recent survey women disliked what part of male body most?
72 The US had 5 % world population and 70?
73 In 1902 What did Mary Anderson invent?
74 If you landed at Arlanda airport where would you be?
75 The FEI govern what sport?
76 Traditionally what should be given on a 20 th anniversary?
77 In Somalia its illegal to carry old chewing gum where?
78 What food did the Romans call Pointed Stick?
79 Name the pet alligator in Miami Vice?
80 In California 22 " is the minimum legal length of saleable what?
81 On any given day half of Americans are on what?
82 Gondolas in Venice are traditionally what colour?
83 Benjamin who was the first Lord Mayor of Dublin?
84 What country declared itself first atheist state in 1967?
85 Where was Bacardi originally made?
86 What is six inches in height and no bigger by the rules?
87 Until 1862 there was a tax in England for those who used what?
88 a Paralian always lives near what?
89 The US uses up 7000 tons of what annually?
90 Allium cepa - one of the lilicaea - world most used food item?
91 International Airline Registrations OO is what country?
92 What vegetable was considered a cure for sex probs in old Egypt?
93 In Milan citizens fined $100 if they don't always do what?
94 What does the name Barbara mean - from Greek?
95 The locals call it Misi what do we call this country?
96 Sport is played on a variable ground 50 x100?
97 Cavalier in French Springer in German what in English?
98 Woodwind Instrument size between Clarinet and Bassoon?
99 Who wrote Of Human Bondage and The Moon and Sixpence?
100 What is the Roman numerals for 3000?

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