When was the last time you were astounded by a question? Quiz 29

Exam Teacher

When was the last time you were astounded by a question? Quiz 29

When was the last time you were astounded by a question? Quiz 29

 1 What does the girls name Amy mean?
2 Rabbit 32 - Cat 62?
3 The Tilia is the Latin name for what type of tree?
4 What grape variety is used to make champagne?
5 What is the traditional gift for a sixth wedding anniversary?
6 In heraldry what shape is a pile?
7 International Aircraft Registration what country is SU?
8 What word is spelled out in Morse by - .. - dash dot dot dash?
9 What author was born in Petrovichi USSR in 1920?
10 In 1964 Jett Bock composed the music for what hit show?
11 USA courts spend half their time with cases involving what?
12 In Greek what does the word climax mean?
13 In Australia what is the no 1 topping for pizzas?
14 What is the derivation of the word vanilla?
15 Smell of lavender liquorice chocolate doughnuts increase what?
16 Bamboo harvester was the real name of what TV character?
17 What animal has a prehensile penis?
18 According to a survey what is Americans favourite smell?
19 Dismus and Gestas were who?
20 Collective nouns - a streak of what?
21 Women do it 4 times to a mans once - what?
22 74 % of American women say what is biggest dating turn off?
23 In Disney's Fantasia what is the Sorcerers name?
24 What is the major export of Liechtenstein?
25 What does the girls name Deborah mean?
26 What bird has the longest fledging period 360 days?
27 If you were eating a Malus Pumila what would it be?
28 In Hazledon Pen a lecturer can't legally do what while working?
29 Daysypgal people suffer from what?
30 What creatures sex act lasts exactly two seconds?
31 99 % of India's Truck Drivers can't do what?
32 What was the subject of the first book printed in England?
33 Who once had a job as a coffin polisher?
34 What has 12000 eyes?
35 What does Scotland export to Saudi Arabia?
36 What's the most unusual official sporting event in China?
37 What is opened somewhere every 4 seconds?
38 A spat is a baby what?
39 Only 55 % of men do what?
40 What country is the worlds largest exporter of Frogs Legs?
41 In Idaho you cant give a citizen something more than 50 lb what?
42 On average what contains 5 - 7?
43 Brasco is Australian slang for what?
44 Queen Victoria said it's saddest place in all Christendom where?
45 What is India's National Flower?
46 What is The Daily Planet in Australia?
47 What is Kimogayo in Japan?
48 Penis comes from the Latin meaning what?
49 45 is the International Telephone dialling code what country?
50 What does the girls name Donna mean?
51 There are over 130000 species of what on earth?
52 Quercus is the Latin name of what Tree?
53 What is the most common plastic surgery performed USA men?
54 What river did the Pied Piper drown the rats in?
55 What did the first issue of Playboy in 1953 not have?
56 Every citizen of Kentucky must do what by law annually?
57 Why do lawyers traditionally wear black?
58 What gives piggy banks their name?
59 What was the name of the Monkeys only film made in 1969?
60 What snake builds a nest?
61 what musical play - find a character called Magnolia Hawks?
62 The fable The Hare and the Tortoise - what animal judges race?
63 What happened July 15 1815?
64 Who was Humphry Bogart's first wife?
65 Herb Caen is credited with inventing what word?
66 Collective nouns - a knot of what?
67 In England it is illegal to drive a car without doing what?
68 RCA released the first LP in 1959 without artists name - who?
69 What was James Bonds fathers name?
70 ET drank which brand of beer?
71 Vladivostok stands on what body of water?
72 Who wrote the poem Kubla Khan?
73 What is Little Red Riding Hoods name?
74 If you were eating a Prunis Domesticia what would it be?
75 What does the girls name Zoe mean?
76 What is the traditional gift for a 13 th wedding anniversary?
77 Who live in Frostbite falls Minnesota?
78 The French call it L' Herbe Royal what do we call it?
79 Who was the star of The Sixth Sense?
80 In North Dakota if you are in a covered wagon you can do what?
81 Ismene and Antigone are whose daughters?
82 Ben Veeren played what character in Arthur Hailey's roots?
83 Where would you have found Binky Inky Pinky and Clyde?
84 What type of food is Otak Otak in Malaysia?
85 What was the first film Paul Newman directed?
86 Bentlet Drummle appears in which Dickens novel?
87 Who is The Incredible Hulks girlfriend?
88 At Woodstock 1969 5550?
89 Who appeared for the first time in Beetons Christmas Annual?
90 Who wrote the novel Heidi?
91 Gulyas soup is a delicacy in what country?
92 What is the correct name for a Hawaiian Goose?
93 In 1845 Boston it was illegal to do what without a doctors note?
94 In James Bonds books what was Dr No's first name?
95 Collective nouns - A bale of what?
96 Who wrote the play Waiting for Godot in 1954?
97 90 is the International Telephone dialling code what country?
98 In heraldry an animal reguardant is doing what?
99 What is the more common name for the Buddleia?
100 What does the boys name Paul mean?

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